Friday, November 21, 2008

JPL Campout 11/21/08

Troop 516 recently went to JPL (11/21/08) for our November outing. We didn't hike in until after dark so it was with the use of flashlights that the boys were able to make their way across several small steams and rocky terrain down the 1.5 mile trail to base camp. We had a great group with a special thanks to James W. for putting this campout together and to David M. who was our camp chef. Also on the campout we had Daniel B., Nick B., Auden F., Dimas A. Jr., Davis G., Patrick R., Ryan K., and Daniel D. Also on the campout we had Marc W., Tom H., Brad A., Chris G., and Dimas A Sr., as leaders who helped make the campout possible.

Most memorable moment for the Scout Master - It was very dark the night we hiked in and the only source of light were the boy's flashlights. I was bringing up the rear when I noticed all of the boys stopping ahead. When I got to where I could see what was happening you could see where the bridge was completely washed out and fenced off. I fully expected to hear from the boys that we would need to turn around and go home for the night. I immediately went right trying to see if there was a way to cross and before I could get where I could see I heard the boys on the other side of the bridge yelling they found a way to cross, truly the scout spirit.

The boys seemed to have a good time. The JPL Campout was our first backpacking experience as a troop. Next I believe we will be taking on Joshua Tree which will include a five mile loop where we will campout along the way. Should be fun!